Want to make history?
Want your name on the world’s fastest (electric) motorcycle?
Want a super cool 3D printed scale model of the KillaJoule or Green Envy?
Well, you are in the right place!
The Green Envy and the KillaJoule are being built to show that eco-friendly, low-emission technology is something to count on. And that electric vehicles can be insanely fast, and faster than internal combustion engines. They are also being built to inspire people to make things themselves, and to inspire kids to pursue a career in STEM. But racing is expensive, and being a university lecturer doesn’t pay very well. It is easy to see why that equation doesn’t work out.
Therefore – we need your help!
As a supporter of the Green Envy and the KillaJoule, you will make them even FASTER! The planned debut for Green Envy is at the salt flats in Australia in March 2020 (preliminary specs here), but before then the plan is to race the KillaJoule in Australia in March 2019. The purpose if of course to attempt new records, but even more importantly is to try out new components (including brand new, super-innovative wheels) for the Green Envy.
There are support levels that will fit every wallet and piggy bank, and every level comes with perks. And if you don’t want any perks, there is a solution for that as well. If you just want to silently make history and make the world a better place, just select your desired amount of “Additional Karma” in the webstore.
All sponsorship levels will soon be available in our webstore (whenever Eva can find a time to update it, she does all the website work herself), but if you want to get onboard directly, please send the appropriate amount to paypal [insert “at” here] evahakansson.com and include a message with the sponsorship level and name(s) for the signed postcard and personalized perk(s) where applicable. If you prefer to send a check, send it to Eva Hakansson, P.O. Box 1243, Wheat Ridge, CO, 80033, USA, or to her work address Eva Hakansson, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Auckland, 20 Symonds St., Auckland 1010, New Zealand.
Become a Green Envy and KillaJoule supporter:
Level 1: “Enthusiastic supporter”
US $100
- Get your name on the Green Envy and the KillaJoule! (Approximately 1/2” (12 mm) high font)
- Postcard signed by rider/builder Eva Hakansson. Free shipping to anywhere in the world.

Level 2: “Let’s go faster!”
US $250
- All of the perks above, plus:
- A 3D printed scale model of the Green Envy or the KillaJoule (your choice) and rider/builder Eva Hakansson. The scale model is 6 inches (~150 mm) long, and is designed and printed by Eva. Free shipping to anywhere in the world.

Level 3: “Let’s get that overall world record!”
US $500
- All of the perks above, plus:
- Your 3D printed scale model of the Green Envy or KillaJoule will be mounted on a personalized platform. Free shipping to anywhere in the world. (Green Envy is shown, the exact color will depend on the availability of 3D printing filament).

Level 4: Bronze sponsor
US $1,000:
- All of the perks above, plus:
- Two additional personalized 3D printed scale models (they will look great in the lobby of your business or in your bookcase). All three models may have different names. Free standard shipping to anywhere in the world.
- Logo space for your business or organization, minimum 2 in x 6 in (50 mm X 150 mm), on both sides of both the KillaJoule and the Green Envy. (You provide a logo and we make the vinyl artwork, or you can provide your own stickers).
- Your name/business/organization listed as partner at EvaHakanssonRacing.com/partners and scienceenvy.com/portfolio/partners-supporters/
- Coffee cup or personalized team shirt (dependent on availability, may be substituted for other KillaJoule or Green Envy item).
Level 4: Silver sponsor
US $3,000:
- All of the perks above, plus:
- Additional logo space, total of at least 4 in x 10 in (100 mm x 250 mm), on both sides of both the KillaJoule and Green Envy, alternatively one prominent location on the nose or sidecar.
- Two additional coffee cups and personalized team shirts (dependent on availability, may be substituted for other KillaJoule or Green Envy item)..
- Use of the Green Envy or KillaJoule in marketing material (subject to prior written approval, Eva Hakansson reserves the right to deny use if the content doesn’t agree with the mission of this racing program).
Level 5: Gold sponsor
US $10,000:
- All of the perks above, plus:
- Logo space on team shirts.
- Additional logo space, total of at least 8 in x 14 in (200 mm x 300 mm), on both sides of the the KillaJoule and Green Envy, alternatively one prominent location on the nose or sidecar.
- Green Envy and/or rider Eva Hakansson will attend one conference, trade show or other event to represent the sponsor (subject to availability and scheduling, sponsor will cover all costs for transport, travel, accommodation, etc.)
Level 6: Platinum sponsor
Make an offer!
- All of the perks above, plus:
- Make a suggestion! What do you want? Come to the races as part of the crew, perhaps?
Want to help in other ways?
In-kind sponsorships with parts, labor, services, and similar counts of course in the same way as monetary support!