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The weakest link in all wheel-driven speed record attempts is a surprising and obscure detail – tires!  Tires can be one of the main points of failure on all vehicles, but are specifically troublesome on extremely high speed, wheel-driven vehicles. Therefore, we are literally re-inventing the wheel for Green Envy!  The very fastest cars are… Continue reading RE-INVENTING THE WHEEL!


KillaJoule as “LEGO™” This KillaJoule model compatible with the popular LEGO™ toy system was designed by Urim Chae, one of my first year engineering students at the University of Auckland. The 562 students in my first year course “Principles of Engineering Design” (ENGGEN 115) were in Semester 1 2018 assigned to design an accessory compatible… Continue reading FAN ART


There is no more powerful feeling than seeing your idea materialize through work with your own hands! The purpose of ScienceEnvy.com is to help you find that passion for making things. To be inspired to make stuff. To ditch the passive consumption of TV shows, games, junk food, entertainment, fashion, and all other junk that… Continue reading WHY MAKE STUFF?


3D printing takes making into the living room! Watching the print process can be completely mesmerizing. My husband Bill and I enjoy watching 3D printing so much that we call it “watching Netflix”. It is amazing to see your design materialize in front of your eyes. 3D printers come in every price range, from US$… Continue reading 3D PRINTING