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Download and 3D print your own designer handbag!

Have you always wanted a fancy designer handbag? But you don’t have the thousands of dollars to spend on a Chanel® or Louis Vuitton®? Here is the solution – 3D print your own! And by doing so, you can make it exactly as you want!  I bought dozens of fancy (and too expensive) designer handbags,… Continue reading Download and 3D print your own designer handbag!


There is no more powerful feeling than seeing your idea materialize through work with your own hands! The purpose of ScienceEnvy.com is to help you find that passion for making things. To be inspired to make stuff. To ditch the passive consumption of TV shows, games, junk food, entertainment, fashion, and all other junk that… Continue reading WHY MAKE STUFF?


3D printing takes making into the living room! Watching the print process can be completely mesmerizing. My husband Bill and I enjoy watching 3D printing so much that we call it “watching Netflix”. It is amazing to see your design materialize in front of your eyes. 3D printers come in every price range, from US$… Continue reading 3D PRINTING


CAD stands for “Computer Aided Design”. It typically refers to the use of computer programs  – “CAD software” – to create 3D models of items. These models aren’t just pretty images, they have very specific dimensions and features. They can also contain information about material, mass, strength, and other physical properties. They can be assembled… Continue reading CAD


If there is a human superhero power, it is welding! Fusing metal with your hands – can it get any more amazing than that? There are several different types of welding, but they are all based on the same principle. Welding is used to join materials that can be melted. The most common material to… Continue reading WELDING


If you have the chance, make sure to learn a bit of electronics! Even if you are not planning to become an electrical engineer, it is a very useful skill. Electronics may appear intimidating and complicated, but if you start with easy projects, you will learn quickly and realize how much fun it is. If… Continue reading ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS


Sewing is a really useful skill to know! Not only can you repair a tear in your own clothing or shorten a pair of pants, sewing is part of a lot of engineering! Think of sails, parachutes, tents, and brake chutes for aircraft. Or brake chutes for land speed vehicles like KillaJoule and Green Envy… Continue reading SEWING


Paper is a great material for making stuff. You can use paper in many different ways. You can use paper alone (no tape, no glue, no nothing) in the traditional Japanese art of origami. You can also use paper as any building material and cut it, tape it, glue it, and build anything from doll… Continue reading PAPER CRAFT